Paperclip Bird Puppets

These simple paperclip bird puppets are a great way for children to explore, design & create their own garden birds. Find our free bird template & how we made ours here.

Since birdwatching the other week we've been engrossed in a whole range of bird themed activities. One of the things my we've loved is drawing our birdwatching finds & turning them into these paperclip bird puppets. 

To make our puppets we used this simple bird shape which you can find here - bird template. For best results print on thin white card. If you have more time available or want to extend the activity further, you could create different shaped templates for different sized birds. 

After printing our bird templates we decorated 2 of the birds, (one for each side of our puppet) making sure they faced opposite directions.

To create the legs for our birds we unfolded 2 paperclips. We then twisted the clips to create the 'feet' shape below & secured the longer ends of the clips together with tape.

When we were happy that the feet were level & stood flat, we attached the clips to the back of our bird templates using more tape. We glued the other decorated bird shape to the reverse of our puppet, & it was ready to go,

Our beautiful feathered friends were transformed & ready for a new adventure.

As well as recreating the garden birds we had spotted in our garden, we got creative & designed our own too. This was one of my favourite creations, I just love all those feathers! 

A perfect activity for encouraging birdwatching, & a great way to explore creativity & imagination. These little birds make great story props, & are sure to spark lots of imaginative play.