There aren't many days of the year when we're not outdoors, hence the name of our blog. You'll find us bug hunting, mud making, tree climbing, cloud watching, or splashing in puddles enjoying all that the outdoor environment has to offer. There's always something new to explore, & we can't wait for more adventures this June with 30 Days Wild.
To celebrate the return of The Wildlife Trusts' 30 Days Wild we've collected 30 of our favourite Nature Activities ideal for families & children of all ages to share together this June. Why not choose your favourites from the list below & head outdoors to explore them this June

3 Go on an Elderflower hunt & make your own Elderflower Cordial using wildflowers.

4 Play in the rain & discover which creatures love it too.

5 Let nature leave a lasting impression & make your own beautiful Nature Clay Prints.

7 Explore the beautiful colours nature has to offer & create your own Tie-Dye with fruit, vegetables or flowers.

9 Experience a beach at sunset & explore the rockpools.

12 Make a Garden Chalkboard to record all your bug hunt discoveries.

15 Build a Hedgehog House.

16 Make space for toads & frogs in your garden.

17 Build a den in the woods with a friend.
18 Tell the time with a dandelion clock.
20 Create a nature-inspired art canvas.

21 Re-wild a space in your garden for bees, butterflies & bugs. You might be surprised at what starts to grow!
22 Enjoy catching up with a favourite book surrounded by nature

24 Set up an imaginative play area outdoors with natural items from the garden.

26 Create your own nature clock with sticks & stones.

27 Make a simple wormery to explore the worms in the garden.

28 Track minibeasts around your garden with a set of bug spotter sticks.

29 Grow your own Flower Salad.
We enjoy using homegrown: Nasturtiums, Chive blossom, Violets, Runner bean flowers, Pansy petals, Calendula/marigold petals, Cornflower petals, Rose petals
& Courgette flowers.

30 Write with nature! Turn a feather into a quill pen.

Whatever outdoor adventures you enjoy this June, I hope you have fun discovering the extraordinary in the ordinary & all that nature has to offer you & your family. If you're searching for more outdoor activities for the summer, take a look at our 50 Outdoor Activities for Kids this Summer.