Mirror Discovery Box - Ladybirds

With the beautiful Spring weather we've been enjoying in the UK we've spent nearly all our days outside in the sunshine. Yesterday Minnie found her
Mirror Discovery Box that we made last yr & set out on another bug hunt. This has to be one of her favourite activities!

Usually Minnie collects a variety of insects in this box, but this hunt was different, this hunt was solely for ladybirds! At the moment there are large clusters of these beautiful bugs dotted around our garden, so it didn't take her long to find some.

The mirror box enabled every angle of the ladybird to be observed & Minnie was fascinated by the movements of the ladybirds. She was completely engrossed while watching the ladybirds' legs move beneath their body!

The ladybirds were free to crawl around & out of the box, & Minnie loved guessing which direction they'd take.

This Ladybird Spotter Guide was great to use in conjunction with the mirror box & enabled us to play a version of Ladybird Guess Who! Lots of fun & a great way to encourage observation skills & descriptive language. We also found this useful Ladybird Identification & Recording Sheet.

This mirror box is perfect for little hands to hold, & an ideal size to take on any outdoor adventure. It's lasted for almost a year now & is still being used regularly, not bad for something that started life as a recycled cardboard box.

Great for exploring reflections, light, symmetry, size, shapes, number, form, & dimensions.

For more mirror discoveries check out our Seascape Mirror Play Area