Looking for activities to keep children entertained? Here are 50 more boredom busters for young kids to explore. Each activity is simple to set up, costs nothing & uses items you can easily find around your home.
I know it's not easy to find resources due to the nature of the current situation, so these fun 50 activities use only recycled materials or stuff you can easily access. Hope you & your family find them useful & that they encourage loads of creativity, imagination & heaps of hands-on learning too!
50 Simple Indoor Activities for Kids
:: Have some creative fun with a DIY camera
:: Draw around everyone's feet to create a footprint trail around the house.
:: Treat the Gruffalo to some of his favourite food
:: Play Balloon Volleyball using your sofa as a net!
:: Make a portable home for cuddly toys with a recycled box.

:: Turn cushions into Stepping stones & use them to move from room to room.
:: Create an Ocean in your bathtub
:: Build your own Snow Cave with your sofa
:: Make up a batch of super soft Cloud Dough
:: Make some Pebble Planters for the garden

:: Go on an indoor Bear Hunt
:: Create an Indoor Zip Wire for your toys
:: Be an astronaut for a day. Go on a spacewalk or build your own rocket
:: Make your own Strictly Come Dancing Small World Play Scene

:: Do some Indoor Gardening
:: Make some magic Clean Mud to play with indoors
:: Put on a Circus Show using puppets or soft toys
:: Create a mask from a paper bag

:: Set up camp in your living room or kitchen with any cuddly animals around you
:: Build the tallest tower out of Lego, Duplo or books
:: Go on a Treasure Hunt around the house; hide either paper circles (coins) or teaspoons (silver)
:: Make a Book Nook or 'Cave' under a table
:: Make a no-sew Sock Owl

:: Turn a box into a Post Office
:: Build a castle using recycled items or make one you can sit in with sofa cushions
:: Play some cheesy music & have your own Kitchen or Living Room Disco
:: Make your own map or print one & set off on a journey around the house
:: Make your own Stick Man from a recycled cardboard box

:: Create some upcycled art using bottle tops
:: Get cooking in the kitchen with leftovers! Create your own unique recipe
:: Play dress up! Why not dress up as Mum or Dad & borrow their coats/shoes/bags etc.
:: Open a fun Hair Salon! Collect some slides/bands/ & create wacky hairdos!
:: Go Camping Indoors! Make a tent, or put a tent up in the living room & sleep there at night

:: Set up your own Bakery with play dough cakes, or bake real cupcakes
:: Turn yourself into an Easter Bunny
:: Clear a large space on the floor & have a sack race using old pillowcases!
:: Do some birdwatching with a pair of homemade binoculars made from cardboard tubes.
:: Set up your own Dr.s Surgery & make all your toys better
(Great for exploring any anxiety kids may have re illness or concerns for relatives)

:: Play Teddy Bear Hide & Seek around the house
:: Make your own Pebble Pets
:: Create your own Pin the Tail on the Donkey
:: Set up your own bowling alley using plastic drink bottles or wellie boots!
:: Make an Elmer the Elephant from a Milk Carton

:: Inspire some imagination & create a menu for a Tiger/ Monster/Dinosaur. What would they eat?
:: Make a Pom Pom Easter Bunny
:: Make some hockey sticks & a ball from old newspaper
:: Turn a washing basket into a boat & set sail across the sea
:: If you have enough flour, make your own natural Play Dough

or use the Search Bar at the top of this page
to find hundreds of creative ideas.
And if anyone hasn't told you yet today, YOU are doing an AMAZING job!
Hang on in there! ♥
And if anyone hasn't told you yet today, YOU are doing an AMAZING job!
Hang on in there! ♥