5 Simple Ways for Kids to Celebrate Pentecost at Home

Here are a few simple ideas for you to celebrate Pentecost together as a family.

Pentecost is the day we remember Jesus' disciples receiving the Holy Spirit which came in the form of a powerful wind & tongues of fire. The Spirit enabled the disciples to speak in a whole variety of languages so they could tell many people from different countries about Jesus. Christians celebrate this day as the Birthday of the Church. Read Acts 2:1-41 to discover more.
Wear Something Red to Celebrate

Did you know that red is the colour of Pentecost? Many churches have red altar cloths to mark the liturgical season of Pentecost. Have a rummage through your clothes & see if you can find something red you can wear. T-shirt, socks, shoes or hat, wear something red to celebrate Pentecost. 

Make Pentecost Windsock

Take a look through your recycling & see if you can create a simple windsock. We made ours using an old plastic bottle & some recycled snaps of material & ribbon from a local Scrap Store, alternatively you could use paper streamers or anything else that will flutter with the wind.

Hang your windsock in the garden & watch as the power of the wind makes it move, or hold your windsock high & run around the garden so you can feel the wind, reminding you of the rushing wind of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

Make a Special Birthday Cake

Get baking in the kitchen together & create a special birthday cake! Add some birthday candles, or make some flame shapes from coloured icing. If you don't fancy making a cake, how about some birthday buns or biscuits, you could wrap some up & share them with neighbours or friends. 

This birthday cake reminds us that we are united together with Christians around the world in celebrating this special day! Sing happy birthday to the church, & sing it loud so everyone can hear the celebration!

Blow Pentecost Bubbles Outdoors

Explore the power of wind & blow bubbles together outside. Blow as many bubbles as you can & watch as they float & eventually pop! As they fall or pop remember the tongues of fire landing on the heads of the disciples. Can you catch a bubble on your head? As you do, say thank you to God for this amazing day.

You could even make some Giant Bubbles like these ones we made.

Learn a New Language & Share it in a Pentecost Card

Make a Pentecost card to send to a member of your church family who you haven't seen for a while. You could decorate it with red or fiery colours, draw a dove, or even a Birthday Cake. 

Share the news that 'Jesus is Lord' in another language, just as the disciples did when the Holy Spirit came. Here are a few examples you might like to try in your card. Remember to write it in English first.

Yeshua huh ha Mashiach Hebrew
Jésus est le Seigneur French
Gesú é il Signore Italian
Jesus ist der Herr German 
Jesús es el Señor Spanish 
Jesus is die Here Afrikaans 
Jesus é o Senhor Portuguese 
Jesus är Herre Swedish 

However you celebrate Pentecost, may you always know the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, wherever you are, whatever you're going through.