Easter Nature Frame - Create a Cross Bursting with New Life

Celebrate Easter outdoors with this Cardboard Nature Frame. Super simple to make, & perfect for all ages to explore the Resurrection through the beauty of nature.

Spring is definitely here! The bare trees & plants that died back over winter are now bursting forth with their colourful blossoms & lush green shoots, offering us a wonderful reminder of the hope that Easter brings. 

The cross reminds us of the sadness of Good Friday, when the earth shook & the sky turned black as Jesus died. If felt like it was the end. But on Easter Day when Mary visited Jesus' tomb the stone was rolled away & it was empty. Jesus was no longer dead, He was alive! 

This Easter Nature Frame is a reminder of the transforming power of the cross. When you take the Frame outside & hold it towards something that is bursting with life, the cross in the centre is transformed & filled with the promise of hope.

To make an Easter Nature Frame you'll need:

Recycled Cardboard - an old shoebox or cereal packet is ideal. 
Our Easter cross template which you can download here.

:: Print off the template & cut out the cross shape on the paper. 

:: Draw around the cross on your cardboard & either use a craft knife or sharp scissors to cut around the shape. Youe Easter Nature Frame is ready to use.

:: Optional: Fold the edges of our cardboard frame slightly to create a raised frame.

How to use your Easter Nature Frame:

Take your Easter Frame out with you on a walk & see how many different crosses you can make by holding up your frame & filling the centre cut-out with signs of life. 

Keep an eye out for wildflowers, tree blossom, seedlings, birds, insects, or even baby animals. When you've framed your nature cross why not take a photo of it & see how many different designs you can create.

We discovered a collection of tadpoles in a puddle on one of our walks & our Nature Frame created an amazing reflection of the cross in the water. However you use these frames, I hope enjoy exploring all this season has to offer.

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