Small but Mighty Churchyard Nature Trail for Children

Celebrate the wealth of wildlife in your churchyard with this FREE Small but Mighty Nature Trail. 

Designed for children, it offers an invitation to come & explore the wonderful variety of minibeasts hidden around your churchyard. It's suitable to use anytime during the year, but is especially perfect for Spring & Summer months when so many small but mighty creatures are inhabiting our churchyards.

The Trail consists of 12 A4 printable posters, featuring 10 minibeasts commonly found in UK churchyards. There are fun facts to discover about each creature, plus 10 engaging activities for children to explore, alongside a relevant Bible verse.

The Trail also includes a welcome sign for you to encourage families to explore the trail, & a final poster which shares 5 simple actions we can all take to help the wildlife around us.

So why not invite local schools, uniformed organisations, families, & summer holiday visitors to take a closer look at the wonderful wildlife in your churchyard. They can discover which insect is a fabulous recycler, which night flying insect is a vital pollinator, & just how strong a spider's web is, plus many more amazing facts about the small but mighty nature heroes hanging out in your churchyard.

You can find the Trail here: Small but Mighty Churchyard Trail for Children

For best results print on A4 white card/paper.

FREE activity sheets to accompany the trail can be found here: Activity Sheets

Celebrate the small nature heroes in your churchyard & discover just how mighty they are!