The free printable
A paper plate
Green tissue paper cut into long strips
Colouring pens/pencils
Scissors and a glue stick
:: Start by cutting out the four candles, flame shapes and holly from the printable. Invite children to decorate and colour each candle. We also coloured in the backs of the flame shapes so we could see the colour from every angle.
Download your copy of the Free Printable here - Paper Advent Wreath.
:: To make the candles 3D, cut along the strips at the bottom of each one to create a fringe.
:: Glue along the edge with the dotted line, then roll the paper to attach to the opposite edge. Repeat with the other three candles. (Top Tip: we found it helpful to roll the paper first before adding the glue, as it helps make the paper more pliable.)
:: Fan out the strips at the bottom of the candle so they point outwards. Add glue to the centre circle of the plate and stick the strips to the base. (Top Tip: Make sure the candles aren't leaning too much when attaching them to the plate)
:: To make the wreath, scrunch some tissue paper strips to create some greenery, and glue around the candles until the paper plate is covered.
:: Finish decorating the wreath by sticking on the printable holly leaves, or invite children to draw or make their own.
:: Finally, add the flames to the four candles. I've designed these to sit inside the top of the candles, hidden away until they're ready to 'light' on the relevant Sunday. To 'light' the candles, simply scoop the paper flame out with your finger, & attach it to the candle with a little glue or sticky tape.
Included in the printable is a helpful reminder of when to light each candle, and this label can be attached either to the side or base of the wreath.
Your Advent Wreath is now ready to help you prepare for Christmas and explore the meaning of those special Sundays during December.
Looking for more Advent ideas? Take a look here - Advent Activities & Crafts for All Ages